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Orthodontic Oral Surgery In Yorkdale And Barrie

When an orthodontist mentions “oral surgery,” many patients begin to panic. Most patients think that there is something seriously wrong with them, or that they are going to be undergoing a dangerous, painful, and expensive procedure. The truth is, however, that many oral surgery procedures are commonplace and address conditions that many patients of all ages experience. While every case is different, many of these procedures are completed on an outpatient basis, and patients can resume work and normal activities within a few days. It is also true that many orthodontists recommend that you see an oral surgeon because in some cases, the surgeon may advise us that there are other, nonsurgical treatments available. If you are apprehensive about a referral to an oral surgeon, speak with us at your next appointment.

Surgical orthodontics treat complex orthodontic cases that involve the skull, face, mouth, and jaw. To be an ideal candidate for surgical orthodontics, your jaw needs to be finished growing. When the jaw stops growing, usually between ages 16-18, braces alone may not be able to properly align all aspects of your bite. Surgery may be required to attain the perfect smile you have always wanted.

Receiving surgery varies from patient to patient. Most patients usually start with wearing braces to align their teeth. Once aligned, surgery can be scheduled. You will need to continue wearing your braces for 6-12-months after surgery to make any last-minute adjustments to your smile. Surgery is usually done in a hospital and can take 1 to several hours. Depending on your surgery and the complexity of your case, the recovery times vary. Recovery could be as little as 2-3-weeks, to as much as 12-months, or longer.

Being able to look in the mirror and smile, genuinely, at the way you feel about yourself, is one of the biggest and best benefits to orthodontic surgery. There is no better feeling than having the surgery, getting your braces off, and going through the recovery. The way you will feel post-surgery is worth the wait. But why wait? Contact us today to see if you are an ideal candidate for surgical orthodontics.

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